Why Nevada?

Why Nevada?

The popularity of Asset Protection Trusts has increased over the past several years. So we are often asked, “Why Nevada?” Trust companies, like Premier,  based in Las Vegas, allow clients to formulate and execute their estate plans to take advantage of Nevada’s progressive trust, corporate and tax laws; we call this the “Nevada Advantage.” You can reside anywhere in the domestic United States and still benefit from a trustee relationship with Premier Trust. Nevada Law provides for:

  • Trusts lasting up to 365 years – allows planning for Multi-Generational Wealth
  • Transfer – Dynasty Trusts
  • Directed Trusts – permits division of duties including, trust adviser, investment trust advisor and trust protector
  • Self-Settled Spendthrift Trusts (often referred to as a Nevada Asset Protection Trusts) – permits a person to protect assets from creditors.

Important features of this trust, when set up in Nevada, are that the law:

  • Provides for No Exception Creditors – Protects assets from creditors including divorcing spouses
  • Has a Two Year Statute of Limitations – the shortest in the nation
  • Is Considered the #1 state law for asset protection by Forbes Magazine
  • LLCs and Partnerships with “Charging Order Protection” – offers a high level of entity Asset Protection
  • No State Fiduciary Income Tax if Trustee situs is Nevada – reduces erosion of trust assets
  • Exclusive Nevada Restricted LLC – permits a platform for advanced estate planning

 If you have any questions or would like any information email us at info@premiertrust.com or call us at 702-577-1777. Work with a Company You Can Trust.


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