Nevada: Wins Best Trust State and the Tesla Gigafactory

Nevada: Wins Best Trust State and Tesla Gigafactory 

 The Silver State has been known for its favorable business climate but, landing the Tesla Gigafactory has the rest of the country taking notice. Nevada wins the top choice as Best Trust State in America and then lands the biggest development project in the country, the Tesla Gigafactory. Premier Trust chose Nevada back in 2001 for its friendly business climate and its favorable trust laws and we have never looked back. With no state income tax, trusts lasting 365 years, flexible decanting laws, and the best asset protection laws in the country, Nevada really is the best trust state in America.The Tesla Gigafactory plans to bring thousands of jobs and an estimated $100 billion dollars in economic activity over the next 20 years to Nevada. The 5 billion dollar plant, about the size of 174 football fields, will be in Storey County and will help Tesla launch a mass-market car to the public. Nevada’s most advisor friendly trust company welcomes our newest eco- friendly neighbor Tesla to the biggest little city in the world and Nevada!  If you have any questions or would like any information email us at or call us at 702-577-1777. Work with a Company You can Trust.


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