Is Thanksgiving a Good Time to Bring up your Estate Plan?

Is Thanksgiving a Good Time to Bring Up Your Estate Plan?

 The question to ask when talking about your estate plan is “for whom am I responsible?” What better time to remember who you are responsible for than to look around the dinner table on Thanksgiving and see all your loved ones.Let’s face it, the end of life discussion is never comfortable and there is no ideal time to broach the topic. Thanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect and be thankful for a wonderful meal and the company of your family.  One topic that is sure to get some input is talking about your estate plan.Maybe now is the time to address some of those what-if scenarios with your loved ones. What happens if a tragedy strikes the family? How do you envision your legacy?  Who will be in charge of your estate? What does the process look like when mom and dad are no longer here?  Is it time to show the family where you store your most important documents?Starting the conversation now will only make keeping the conversation going in the future easier.  Remember to keep it light, as a corporate fiduciary we understand the volatility that can occur with family dynamics. Tell us your thoughts on discussing your estate plan over the Thanksgiving Holiday? Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!!!If you have any questions email us at or call us at 702-577-1777. Work with a Company You Can Trust.


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