How do you find the individuals/families to reach out to?

Q: The biggest question I have is, how do you find the individuals/families to reach out to?

A: A) Everyone prospects differently in growing their book of business.  You must find what your value proposition is and communicate it clearly with your prospects.  Advisors should consider trusts as part of their client toolbox when prospecting for new clients.  Trusts are powerful tools for creating a greater connection between clients and advisors.B) As an advisor one of the best ways to incorporate trusts into your book of business is to ask your existing clients the right questions. 72% of investors with 1 million or more already utilize trusts, therefore many of your clients have a trust.  90% of the trust document is personal.  Asking your clients the personal questions will build a greater connection with you as their advisor.  Do the client a favor and offer to review their beneficiary designations. When was the last time they reviewed their trust? Are they the beneficiary of an existing trust? Are they happy with the trustee?C) Premier Trust has clients from all over the United States. Our biggest referral sources are Attorneys, CPA’s, and Financial Advisors


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