2018 America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies

2018 America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies

The Wealth Advisor has released its top picks for the 2018 America's Most AdvAdvisor-Friendly Trusteeisor-Friendly Trust Companies, and Premier Trust just earned a spot on this list for the sixth year in a row. As the longest running trust company on the list, Premier Trust is eager to help financial advisors offer trust services without the fear of losing control of their client relationship.Clients are demanding a more rounded advisor that can help them with more than investments. The need for trust planning, estate planning, and long-term care is becoming a necessity. Wealthmanagement.com claimed, "more advisors are taking a holistic approach to their practice and working on multiple facets of clients' financial lives, allowing them to build the trust and deeper relationships necessary to truly help their clients beyond their individual financial health."1. Trust services create the kind of deeper, value-added relationship that provides the long-term structure that keeps clients from drifting away. Assets held in trust can remain in place in perpetuity, accumulating wealth. 

Our Trust Administration

Premier Trust is a Nevada chartered trust company with locations in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada. Nevada is continuously a leader in trust jurisdiction, both nationally and internationally. Premier Trust provides trust administration exclusively throughout the country; we do not manage investments or provide legal or accounting services. Because Premier is based in Nevada, advisors and their clients can formulate and execute their estate plans to take advantage of Nevada's progressive corporate and tax laws, the Nevada Advantage.Advisor-Friendly Trustee

The Premier Advantage

Whether your client is looking to protect assets with a Nevada Asset Protection Trust, implement generational planning a Dynasty Trust, avoid state income tax on the sale of a business with a NING Trust, or avoid estate taxes on the future growth of assets by transferring the assets to a BDIT, Nevada's unique laws and prime tax situation allow Premier Trust to bring continued success to advisors and clients with the Premier Advantage model.

Connect With Our Advisor-Friendly Trustees

Working with an advisor-friendly trust company is a financial advisors bridge to the next generation. Naming Premier Trust as successor trustee on your clients' revocable living trusts ensures you are the family's trusted advisor for years to come. If your clients have existing irrevocable trusts, we can review those documents and see if it is possible to move the trusteeship to Premier and the investment management to you.Work with a company you can trust.1https://wealthmanagement.com/technology/holistic-approach-financial-advice


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