Another NING Private Letter Ruling Released This Morning

Another NING Private Letter Ruling Released This Morning

 Another great win for Nevada! Thank you Bill Lipkind and Steve Oshins… Great news this morning!The IRS just released PLRs 201210001 through 201410010 approving another NING Trust (Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trust). The PLR can be found here. This is very similar to the March 8, 2013 NING Trust PLRs, but there are some additions. Bill deserves a huge congratulations for his work in this area. Steve Leimberg’s LISI has a podcast on this that Bill Lipkind, Bob Keebler and Steve Oshins did which is about 12 minutes long that will start playing if you click here.If you have any questions or would like any information email us at or call us at 702-577-1777. Work with a Company You can Trust.


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