Estate Planning Lessons Learned from the Final Four

Estate Planning Lessons from the Final Four 

 You might ask what estate planning and the NCAA tournament have in common. Shockingly a lot.The final four starts Saturday April 4th and all four teams have something in common. These teams are not in the final four because of luck. Each one of these team is well coached and thoroughly prepared. The reason they are considered the best four teams in the country is because of their preparation and planning. A client’s estate plan is no different. The most important aspect in order for an estate plan to succeed is the attention to detail, planning, and the ability to adapt when circumstances change.In sports an opponent changes their defense, and in estate planning our Congress changes laws. As the legendary John Wooden once said, “It takes ten hands to make a basket.” Teamwork is what makes these teams so great. When you have a well-orchestrated team of an attorney, financial advisor, accountant, and trust officer all working in sync with each other on a client’s estate plan it is frankly, a slam dunk. Think of an estate planning document as a playbook detailing each player’s responsibility in the game. When the playbook is well understood by all the players it makes the execution look flawless. Same with your client’s playbook, also known as their estate planning documents. When there is peace of mind on the part of your client, the whole team can cut down the nets, as all the planning was a success.Premier Trust is a Nevada chartered trust company that focuses on the settlement and administration of trusts and estates. Premier Trust does not sell or offer investment services. Our clients keep the continuity in their estate plan by retaining their trusted relationships with their financial advisor, attorney, and accountant.If you have any questions or would like any information email us at or call us at 702-577-1777. Work with a Company You can Trust.


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